- * Upon reboot, all cameras are good, images appearing, life is happy.
* Over time, some cameras stop being viewable and the only errors in /var/log/messages that indicate that the hardware failed is...
* So, the image in ZoneMinder is blank (blue screen) and the device in ZoneMinder goes red.Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmdc[2954]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -d /dev/video0]
Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmdc[2954]: INF ['zmc -d /dev/video0' starting at 09/12/17 19:40:58, pid = 30269]
Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmdc[30269]: INF ['zmc -d /dev/video0' started at 09/12/17 19:40:58]
Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmc_dvideo0[30269]: INF [Debug Level = 0, Debug Log = <none>]
Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmc_dvideo0[30269]: INF [Starting Capture]
Dec 17 19:40:58 house kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=0 irq=41702860/41702860, risc=36cc903c, bits: FMTCHG VSYNC HSYNC RISCI
Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmc_dvideo0[30269]: WAR [Capture failure, possible signal loss?: Input/output error]
Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmc_dvideo0[30269]: ERR [Failed to capture image from monitor 1 (0/2)]
Dec 17 19:40:58 house kernel: bttv0: reset, reinitialize
Dec 17 19:40:58 house kernel: bttv0: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
Dec 17 19:40:58 house zmdc[2954]: ERR ['zmc -d /dev/video0' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
* But not all cameras, the video from /dev/video1 and /dev/video3 works, but not /dev/video0 and /dev/video2?
* Stopping and starting ZoneMinder doesn't solve the issue, but a reboot does.
1) Under Fedora Core [with same PV149] but different motherboard, I never had this problem.
2) It's always the same video devices, but they are on the same board and using the same video chips as the devices that stay working?
3) It is always fixed by a reboot.
So, what I'd like to do is be able to fix the problem permanently, or if not possible detect the problem and fix without a reboot.
PS> I'm lying... I have 7 cameras working, since I used a VGA cable instead of all 16 pins through so one camera doesn't display. But, I know why.