System: Ubuntu 9.04, ZM 1.24.2, one single user as administrator.
Is it a bug or a feature?. I have changed the password of my ZM system, the username is the same as the root, and the password was the root pwd too.
I have create a new user just to have remote access, no privileges to change the setup, and for security reasons, I have changed the password of the administrator at ZM level (not the ubuntu system pwd).
I was surprised when I was able to logon with the admin username and new password, and had access to all the options, but no image was shown.
I've tried with the other username, with no system privileges and I was able to watch the image of the monitor.
After checking the var/log/messages, I read this line:
Jan 26 18:26:44 paco-desktop zms[3898]: WAR [Unable to authenticate user paco]
So ZM was able to let me get in, but the user was not recognized. I believe the error is at MySQL level (maybe I'm wrong). I rebooted, started and stopped ZM and apache2 several times, no success.
I switched back to my old password (same as root), and worked fine.
Is it normal???
Unable to authenticate user after changing password
Re: Unable to authenticate user after changing password
You can try this, it worked for me:
viewtopic.php?f=29&t=19657&p=76785&hili ... LAY#p76785
form here:
- Disable the authentication
- Edit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and edit the value for date.timezone, for a list of allowed values have a look at http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php (you have to choose your time zone).
- After this you can re enable hash based authentication in ZoneMinder, this should work now again without any issues.
- Restart Zoneminder if it doesn't work.
viewtopic.php?f=29&t=19657&p=76785&hili ... LAY#p76785
Re: Unable to authenticate user after changing password
Thanks or the reply. Really old post, it has almost 6 years!
I learnt how to do this some time ago.
I learnt how to do this some time ago.
After more than 15 years, no longer using ZM as surveillance system.
Now in the dark side, using a commercial system...