Try to create a new group, and right after mark it and then click on "Delete" to delete the group. The group will be deleted, but this error\warning shows up:
Notice: Undefined index: zmGroup in /var/www/zoneminder/htdocs/includes/actions.php on line 1523
Although no functionality is broken and its just a warning generated by php, here is a fix for those interested.
In file includes/actions.php, edit the following, which starts at line 1519 (May vary from installation to installation)
Change it from:
Code: Select all
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) )
dbQuery( "delete from Groups where Id = '".dbEscape($_REQUEST['gid'])."'" );
if ( $_REQUEST['gid'] == $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] )
unset( $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] );
setcookie( "zmGroup", "", time()-3600*24*2 );
$refreshParent = true;
Code: Select all
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) )
dbQuery( "delete from Groups where Id = '".dbEscape($_REQUEST['gid'])."'" );
if(isset($_COOKIE['zmGroup'])) {
if ( $_REQUEST['gid'] == $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] )
unset( $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] );
setcookie( "zmGroup", "", time()-3600*24*2 );
$refreshParent = true;