Missing feature

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Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:01 pm

Missing feature

Post by flame2262 »


I'm using the latest version: 1.24.2 under the latest Ubuntu.

I've set up one monitor and in the "zones" screen I can see the picture.

This is probably a silly question, but I've looked around and couldn't find an answer- why is the "montage" feature missing?
It's missing from the console title. I can't see it, thus can't select it.

Also, "Cycle" and "Logged in as" is missing

I haven't set up any special security features. Actually, everything is pretty much "out of the box". I've touched only the mandatory settings.

Thank you,
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Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:40 pm

Re: Missing feature

Post by Paranoid »

If you had a second camera you would have the montage/cycle features.

It's pointless providing a montage/cycle of 1 camera.

You only get the "logged in as" if you have had to login.
Select "options" and under the "system" tab check the "OPT_USE_AUTH" option. Restart zm and you then have to login.
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Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:01 pm

Post by flame2262 »

Paranoid- thank you

If so, what is the main method for viewing the camera output in real time?

I know there's a ZoneMinder Viewer application- is this the only/main way?

I'll tell you why I'm asking-
I'm comparing ZoneMinder with the poor application that I got with my capture card. With the poor application, I could see all cameras live with a high framerate, plus I could order a forced recording on any of them, and stop it when I wish. This is very convenient. Can I do something like this with ZoneMinder?

Another question if I may- when I watch the camera output under "zones" in the console page, the picture is very yellow! First I thought that it's because of the zone definition, but when I watch the camera output in ZoneMinder Viewer, the picture is yellow as well ! I should mention that under XawTV the picture is OK and not yellow. What should be done?

Thanks in advance,
Posts: 129
Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:40 pm

Post by Paranoid »

You view live output by selecting the camera under the name column on the webpage.

Once you are properly viewing the camera you can record by forcing an alarm

As for the yellow colour it could be one of 2 things:

1. When you view the output under "zones" you only see a single captured image and not a live feed. This has a single "zone" that overlays the image and is color coded according to its type and the type it happens to be is colour coded yellow.
2. You might have selected the wrong palette for the camera. Go back into the camera setup by clicking on /dev/video0 and try different capture palette settings.You might have to close and re-open the viewer for the settings to properly take effect.

Dont mess around with the palette until you can see the live feed.
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:01 pm

Post by flame2262 »

Paranoid- Thanks again.

What you said was very helpful :)