I've tracked it down to Event::AddFrames zm_event.cpp
Code: Select all
void Event::AddFrames( int n_frames, Image **images, struct timeval **timestamps )
static char sql[BUFSIZ];
strncpy( sql, "insert into Frames ( EventId, FrameId, TimeStamp, Delta ) values ", BUFSIZ );
for ( int i = 0; i < n_frames; i++ )
static char event_file[PATH_MAX];
snprintf( event_file, sizeof(event_file), capture_file_format, path, frames );
Debug( 1, "Writing pre-capture frame %d", frames );
WriteFrameImage( images[i], *(timestamps[i]), event_file );
struct DeltaTimeval delta_time;
DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, *(timestamps[i]), start_time, DT_PREC_2 );
int sql_len = strlen(sql);
snprintf( sql+sql_len, sizeof(sql)-sql_len, "( %d, %d, from_unixtime(%ld), %s%ld.%02ld ), ", id, frames, timestamps[i]->tv_sec, delta_time.positive?"":"-", delta_time.sec, delta_time.fsec );
Debug( 1, "Adding %d frames to DB", n_frames );
*(sql+strlen(sql)-2) = '\0';
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error( "Can't insert frames: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
last_db_frame = frames;
The solution may be to save the frames in smaller numbers. An example of how this could be done is shown below:
Code: Select all
void Event::AddFrames( int n_frames, Image **images, struct timeval **timestamps )
static char sql[BUFSIZ];
strncpy( sql, "insert into Frames ( EventId, FrameId, TimeStamp, Delta ) values ", BUFSIZ );
for ( int i = 0; i < n_frames; i++ )
static char event_file[PATH_MAX];
snprintf( event_file, sizeof(event_file), capture_file_format, path, frames );
Debug( 1, "Writing pre-capture frame %d", frames );
WriteFrameImage( images[i], *(timestamps[i]), event_file );
struct DeltaTimeval delta_time;
DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, *(timestamps[i]), start_time, DT_PREC_2 );
int sql_len = strlen(sql);
snprintf( sql+sql_len, sizeof(sql)-sql_len, "( %d, %d, from_unixtime(%ld), %s%ld.%02ld ), ", id, frames, timestamps[i]->tv_sec, delta_time.positive?"":"-", delta_time.sec, delta_time.fsec );
if ( i && i % 100 == 0 )
Debug( 1, "Adding %d/%d frames to DB", i, n_frames );
*(sql+strlen(sql)-2) = '\0';
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error( "Can't insert frames: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
strncpy( sql, "insert into Frames ( EventId, FrameId, TimeStamp, Delta ) values ", BUFSIZ );
if( (n_frames - 1) % 100 )
Debug( 1, "Adding %d frames to DB", n_frames );
*(sql+strlen(sql)-2) = '\0';
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error( "Can't insert frames: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
last_db_frame = frames;