Code: Select all
Mar 2 14:12:20 camera-srvr-01 zmwatch[16347]: ERR [Can't get shared memory id '7a6d001c', 28: No such file or directory]
All cameras were showing green and functioning fine prior to the upgrade; so I'm not sure...what I blew up. I have shmmax/shmmall set appropriately (at least for the old version).
Only thing that seems it might be causing a problem is I was previously running the Ubuntu repository version of ZM, which of course I had to upgrade from source for the new version.
Any help? More info I need to give you?
I am also getting the following in my Logs, although not on the massive scale that I'm getting the above messages:
Code: Select all
Mar 2 14:07:28 camera-srvr-01 zma_m3[18168]: ERR [Can't run query: Unknown column 'Protocol' in 'field list']
Mar 2 14:07:28 camera-srvr-01 zmdc[16094]: ERR ['zma -m 3' exited abnormally, exit status 30]