Zoneminder as remote camera server

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Zoneminder as remote camera server

Post by dscoular »

Hi All,

Just wondering what the best way to set up a remote PC running zoneminder 1.24.x and a webcam in my garage with my lounge PC running zoneminder and mythzoneminder. I want to specify the remote garage zoneminder's camera as a source I can monitor from my lounge. I thought this was possible under 1.24.x but I can't for the life of me figure out what to specify as the remote source... RTP or RTSP or HTTP or even what the path should be. I had hoped to see remote zoneminder in the list of presets... can anyone clue me in ?


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Post by Blazer »

If all you want to be able to do is view the live zoneminder stream, try just using firefox and point it to this URL:


Using the firefox browser that wiill give you a live stream of monitor #1.
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Post by dscoular »

Hi Blazer,
While the URL you give works perfectly in a browser, it's not clear to me if this is the best way to specify a remote webcam to a central zoneminder.

I couldn't get it working specifying the following:

Remote Protocol HTTP
Remote Method Simple
Remote Host Name
Remote Host Port 80
Remote Host Path /cgi-bin/nph-zms
Remote Host SubPath view=watch&monitor=1

I also imagine that an RTSP stream might be a better way of accessing the remote webcam.

What do people recommend for accessing a remote webcam from within zoneminder. Is there any RTSP webcam server s/w I should be using that is compatible with zoneminder ?


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Post by clipo »

Have you sorted out this issue, Im just trying to setup a remote ZoneMinder as a remote source in my local ZoneMinder and am have what sounds like the same issue as you.

Im guess its just a dumb mistake Im over looking

Zoneminder 1.24.2
Remote Protocol HTTP
Remote Method Simple
Remote Host Name
Remote Host Port 80
Remote Host Path /nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=1&scale=100&user=yeah&pass=right

Any ideas
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Remote cameras and just 1 server ?

Post by lockev3.0 »

Not sure if understood but, indeed exist some cameras (Axis' for instance) which provide rtsp streams to access them, wireless or not.
Other way could be having 2 machines, 1 root Zm server at lounge and 1 old pc at the garage collecting the cameras' s streams by whatever conexion they use and then restream from there (maybe vlc) to the root Zm server.
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Post by clipo »

Ok sorry for the capitals in the title but this was a problem that baffled me and the answer was so simple.

mini guide follows how to setup another zoneminder system as a source.

Have both zoneminder systems setup and fully working, also have the cameras on the source system fully working to a local connection.

My setup was two full zoneminder systems with local cameras on both doing there own monitoring, recording ect, 2 seperate building being watched with a network connection between them.

Make sure you know the source systems fixed IP or its DNS name and that you can already access and view the cameras from the system that you will be setting up to receive the camera

On the system that you require the external camera "receiving system" setting up a new monitor as follows,

General tab
Source Type : Remote
Function : What ever you desire but make it monitor to start with
Enabled : true (tick)
Maximum FPS: To match the source systems setting

Source tab:
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Methid: Simple
Remote Host Name: Either just the IP address or the DNS name of the source system
Remote Host Port: 80, unless you've change it on the source system
Remote Host Path: /cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=1&user=zmusername&pass=zmpassword

The remaining Source settings to match the source systems settings.

The Remote Host Path will need a valid username and password of a account already setup on the source system that also has access to the desired camera.

The Remote Host Name and Path have character limits and with the Path this will prevent anymore commands being relayed to the system.

You will need to change the &monitor=1 variable in the Path string above to match the camera number on the source system.

This has been tested with a connection from a zm 1.24.2 system to a zm 1.23.3 system

I hope this helps
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Post by pki »

Hi there.

I have problems doing the cross connection of two zm servers.

I have one old with 1.22.2 (ZM1) and a new one with 1.24.2 SVN (ZM2).

I can add a remote source at the ZM1 server and it wotks with no problems, but adding a ZM1 source on ZM2 gives me only a black screen, the source is colored red. The URL works (shows the video) if entered in a browser.

I the logs i find

Code: Select all

06.03.2010 09:51:34.041915 zmdc[22152].INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 2]
06.03.2010 09:51:34.045923 zmdc[22152].INF ['zmc -m 2' starting at 10/03/06 09:51:34, pid = 22907]
06.03.2010 09:51:34.149479 zmdc[22152].ERR ['zmc -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
I have installed the SVN because of the HANGING/FREEZING issues. This is fixed with the SVN version. But now i have not tried to cross connect with the regular 1.24.2. Are the freezers/hangers of apache fixed in the regular 1.24.2?

Can you help me out with the remote source?
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Post by pki »

Hmmm it works ONLY after restarting zoneminder.

befor restart

Code: Select all

Mar  7 21:39:09 bigbrother zmdc[19999]: INF ['zmc -m 2' crashed, signal 6]
Mar  7 21:39:09 bigbrother zmdc[19999]: WAR [Can't find process with command of 'zma -m 2']
i can reproduce it.
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Post by kp4djt »

I tried this url with the appropriate mods
I was not able to get it to work. I of course changed the ZM_IP_ADDRESS to the one
for the zm host. Is monitor=1 to be changed to monitor=cam_id? I tried both monitor=1
and monitor=gate (name of cam I want to monitor). I am running ZMLArch
Any ideas?
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Post by pki »

Hi HAM :-)


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Post by river100 »

i tried this on a new install of peter's 1.24.2 deb package
on ubuntu 9.04. i pulled a monitor from an install of ubuntu 8.04 1.23.3
and it worked using clipo's info.
it didn't work however if i tied it to my machine that uses redirect to ssl.
if you are using that it might not work.

the "Remote Host Path" does have character limits so i had
to make my password shorter, i also took out the scale info
to make the string shorter. it takes the info but does not
save it. you may want to recheck that string and see if it
saved all of the info.

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Post by kp4djt »

Well, that did not work either. I get a 404 from the web server on the ZM machine. So I am getting to the machine, it just does not like the info. Here is the string with my mods, I do not care if you want to peek in as guest, it is there for looking at. ... pass=guest

I also tried the following: ... pass=guest

'gate' is the name of the camera I am trying to test against.
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Post by pki »

first you posted LAN addresses (192.168.x.x), this are only in your LOCAL-area-network, not accessible from WAN - World-area-network. So i can not look at it :-)

The url seems to be wrong, try something like: ... pass=guest

or even better. View a cam in your browser, as usually with zoneminder, right click on the image, properties and post here the url location.
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Post by kp4djt »

That got it. I got the full url from the right click: ... 1268035396

If you want to access the system, here is the url
login = guest
passwd = guest
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Post by pki »

so this will work: ... pass=guest

/cgi-zm instead of /cgi-bin was your issue.

Was your server (apache2) hanging in the last minutes?

73 de SQ2LYH