continue recording X seconds after motion detected

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Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:00 am

continue recording X seconds after motion detected

Post by c0ldfusi0nz »

I'll admit I'm a noob and I may simply need to set up some inclusive zones / tweak other parameters but my question is this:

I have a very small area which I currently have set to be an active motion detection zone, however if that area is triggered I wish to continue recording for a while after the event.

I noticed that if i moved into the area and then stood still, the recording would stop because the motion detection event ended. Any easy way to have ZM continue recording?
Posts: 943
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:04 am

Post by bb99 »

Try changing the post event image count to the frame rate times the number of seconds you wish to continue recording. It's under the buffer tab (monitor configuration) but is not a true buffer; this will also help eliminate many consecutive short events by combining them into one longer event.