Very useful App to keep your xwindow alive and not hibernate

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Joined: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:47 pm

Very useful App to keep your xwindow alive and not hibernate

Post by alecano23 »

I have found a very useful app to keep the xwindow (in my case gnome) alive and not go to hibernate state. The app is called caffeine, and do what ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 cant do that is to keep your screen always on and not going to suspend mode.

This is very useful if you have on the zm box zm4linux at full screen or another zmviewer client under the zm box or another linux o.s.

You can set the amount of hours you want caffeine to keep alive the server, or have the option to keep aive in case of running some process (I set Apache and Mysql)

I hope this info be useful from someone

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Re: Very useful App to keep your xwindow alive and not hiber

Post by curtishall »

[quote="alecano23"]I have found a very useful app to keep the xwindow (in my case gnome) alive and not go to hibernate state. The app is called caffeine, and do what ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 cant do that is to keep your screen always on and not going to suspend mode. /quote]

Why can't you run System -> Preferences -> Power Management?
Curtis Hall