Zoneminder and Fedora Core 3 on a 64-bit AMD System, help

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Zoneminder and Fedora Core 3 on a 64-bit AMD System, help

Post by bedichek »

I tried installing ZM 1.19.5 on a Fedora Core 3 system running on an AMD Opteron box. When I installed FC3 I had it install all available packages. I then asked for all available updates. This is the installation command I used for configuring zm:

./configure --with-mysql=/usr --with-webdir=/var/www/html/zm --with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local

My system (output of "uname -a"):

Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-1.681_FC3smp #1 SMP Thu Nov 18 15:30:11 EST 2004 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I have a number of questions I hope someone can help me with.

1. The error I'm stuck on is:

configure: error: zm requires libmysqlclient.a

The problem, I think, is that on my system this is in


I see how to set the root of mysql on the configure command line, but how does one say "add '64' to the 'lib' part of the path"?

2. Has anyone installed zm on a 64-bit Linux system? If so, how did you do it?

3. Can I use the default mysql, php, perl, and apache that one gets with FC3? I understand from reading other posts that I'll have to at least install some perl packages.

4. I have a Linux Media Labs LMLBT44 card which I verified works with tvtime. However, it uses the only 5V PCI slot in my new machine. Are there any 3.3V PCI frame grabber cards? Or PCIX frame grabber cards? My system has plenty of PCIX slots, which I as understand it, can take 3.3V PCI cards (but not 5V-only PCI cards and most PCI cards seem to be 5V only).

5. What is the highest quality networked video camera available that has Linux support? My new box has plenty of network bandwidth (2 Gig-E ports, 1 100/10 port) and some of my cameras are far away and have some video noise as a result.

Thanks in advance ..


FWIW, I installed ZM about two years ago on an Athlon box running RH9. I had a hell of time getting it working and then it worked only briefly. I am only semi skilled at Linux system work, which was part of the problem. I gave up and bought a dedicated four channel recorder. I also wrote some scripts to just snap a picture per camera every minute (I had each camera wired go to both the recorder and a LML 4 channel card). Then I got this new machine and thought I'd try again. Looks like use of ZM has grown hugely since I tried two years ago.
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Post by ma77hias »

I did not use the mysql which comes with Fedora because it's not the latest stable version available. I suggest you remove the FC3 mysql RPMs and install the mysql RPMs Version 4.1 from
I installed everything except the benchmark/testsuite. This will give you the neccesary libraries.
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network camera

Post by ma77hias »

Axis sell very good network cameras with Linux support
the AXIS 206M will offer a resolution of up to 1280x1024 but at an around 450 € price tag
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Re: FC3

Post by unix-guy »

ma77hias wrote:I did not use the mysql which comes with Fedora because it's not the latest stable version available. I suggest you remove the FC3 mysql RPMs and install the mysql RPMs Version 4.1 from
I installed everything except the benchmark/testsuite. This will give you the neccesary libraries.
But how are you dealing with other things that have mySQL integration like Perl, PHP, etc? They do are all designed to work with mySQL 3.x...

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Post by kamanna »

I am having the same problem. I am running the following command:
./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql-debug-4.1.8-pc-linux-i686 --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local/ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1 --with-lame=/usr/local/lame-3.96.1 --with-webdir=/var/www/html/zm --with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin

The result is as follows:
checking for mysql_init in -lmysqlclient... no
configure: error: zm requires libmysqlclient.a
I should add that mysql Administrator is able to start and stop the server successfully.

I have tried changing the path for the mysql root (both to /usr/local/mysql and /usr/local)
with no change.

Please HELP! :twisted:
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Post by kevin_robson »

Further to my post yesterday I also got this message on FC3, though not on the 64 bit one so that is not the problem.

From searching on the internet it seems to be some sort of incompatibility with PHP and MYSQL.

As previous posters have said you will have to install MYSQL and maybe Apache and PHP seperatly.

Sorry I cant be more help - I dont really understand the problem myself, just what I have read.
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Post by cordel »

Okay heres what you may want to do.
The libmysqlclient.a lives in the mysql-devel-*.rpm and you need to install it to compile zm.
The only things not on the CDs that you need are the perl modules.
I'm sure there is one other but can't remember. The easy way to do this is to use MCPAN to get the modules
perl -MCPAN -eshell
Follow the instructions and at the end it should leave you an prompt >
at the prompt
> install MIME::Entity
This will install all the modules you must have
Now with FC3 SELinux will keep Apache from using ZMS.
Right now you will have to disable SELinux (I'm going to work on a policy in the next month or so and I'll post it in the contrib forum)
You will need a few other devel packages as well so if you see any other errors more than likely that is why.
If you have any other problems just post here or you can PM me a phone # and where your located (so that I can make sure I can call for free. Most of western europe is free for me) and a good time for you (don't forget to include your time zone) I'll help you out as much as I can.
Cordel :D