I have a black & white CCTV camera connected to a SCART box which converts it to a phono lead which I then have connected to a BNC converter and then into my DVR card.
Although the camera is PAL and outputs 384x287 pixels, Zoneminder will only show a stable image if I set it to NTSC and 320x240 pixels.
Also most times when I reboot the Zoneminder system when I log in and view the live feed the picture is corrupt - a small horizontal portion of the bottom of the image appears at the top (maybe 10%) and the rest is just black. The only fix I have found so far is to go into source and change to PAL and then back to NTSC (although I usually have to do this a few times to get the image back correctly). It will then work fine until I reboot again.
Can anyone help me fix these couple of annoying problems?