I am new to zoneminder here.
I installed zoneminder 1.24.2 on ubuntu
my camera is the cisco/linksys WVC80N
I can view the camera mjpeg video via firefox: http://<ip>/img/video.mjpeg
I configure the camera as per instruction. (see zm-source.jpg and zm-gen.jpg)
but from the ZM console (see zoneminder-console.jpg) I click on the camera name, I get almost a blank window
The console looks like this:
Please note I see no Cycle/Montage link on the console.
I try to do a wireshark capture when I click on the camera name, but I see no packet exchanged between zoneminder and the camera.
I think I have a zoneminder config problem but cannot figure it out yet.
Any help here will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
- Hung