First, details of my setup.
I have an RS232 to RS485 converter on the server running ZM. From this there is a pair of wires running to the first camera and then from the first camera to the second camera etc. This all works okay and I can control all the cameras.
The problem I'm having is that I recently bought a cheap hand held remote control and receiver unit that can also control the cameras via RS485. I've inserted the receiver unit into the chain of cameras and I can now control the cameras with the hand held remote control. However, when the receiver is switched on I can not control the cameras via ZM. If the receiver is switched off I can control the cameras with ZM. In other words I can either control the cameras with the remote control or with ZoneMinder but not both.
Does anybody know how I can get it all working so that I can use both ZM and the remote control to control the cameras?