Step-by-step v1.24.2 on Fedora-12

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Step-by-step v1.24.2 on Fedora-12

Post by hiredguntech »

Background-I've been running ZM as my home system, 3+ years now. Had to buy a sysadmin buddy a couple bottles of wine to get it fully loaded & running. Since then, I have installed a couple versions of fedora. Finally noticed that ZM could be 'yum-ed' and figured it was time to try it on my own. Those who wrote how easy it was seemed to imply load-run-alldone. Well, after the past month of intermittent attempts; I sent my wife away on Valentines day weekend and burned a three day weekend to make it work. Since I have found the forums so useful, here is my contribution:

Step-by-step installation of ZM v1.24.2 on Fedora-12 using the GUI as much as possible.

(Convention (1) parens circle the gotta-do steps [1] sq-brackets are optional.)
(1) load fc12 - I used the netinstall ISO - turn off 'office' and turn on 'server' and 'development' when given the option.
[2] Remove evolution from task bar (right click...) Since no-one should be using this terminal as a workstation.
[3] Set screensaver to NOT require password and set it to 20 minutes. (I just got annoyed at entering my password during loading.)
(4) Disable SELinux. (menu-system::Admin::SELinux Mgmnt) There are indications in the forums that this is required.
[5] Enable sudo for yourself. OK, had to use terminal here. Using sudo will avoid su-ing to root each time and remembering to exit afterwards. There may be other benefits I don't know of.... (and don't type the > or # signs!)
from a terminal (menu-Application::System Tools::Terminal),

Code: Select all

>(enter root password)
#echo 'YourUserName ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers  (put YOUR user name in place of YourUserName)
(6) Set up the RPM Fusion Repository. OK, had to use terminal here, too. I went in as root (but you might be able to sudo...)

Code: Select all

>(enter root password)
#RPM -ivh
#RPM -ivh
(7) Install the pre-requisites, (menu-System::Administration::Add/Remove Software) type in the search field the following package names and select each of the closest match (there will be 'other' packages related or similar named - look for the right one, and check-it.)
Hit the 'Apply' button, accept any added packages, type root password, and all the rest to let this stuff load.
[8] Install any updates that are available, its the yellow icon up by the time. For me, it was only an index from RPMFusion.
(9) Enable the services: web and db. (menu-System::Administration::Services) and find the following
for each of them hit the 'enable button' so you can start them later.
(10) Reboot. This allows all the services to start and everyone else to settle in.
(11) Now we finally add Zoneminder (menu-System::Administration::Add/Remove Software) Type Zoneminder in the search field select it and apply.
[12] If theory, we should be done. But more to do. Much of this came from other instructions and the forum, RTFM.
[13] Bit of trivia, I like a gui editor, so how do I edit as root? In short, open a terminal, su to root, type 'gedit <path/filename>'. Now I have sufficient permissions to edit & save as root.
(14) Edit as root /etc/httpd/conf.d/zoneminder.conf to remove the 'Deny from All' line. It even says 'DELETE THIS LINE', so it should be easy to find. Save it.
(15) As root, [or with sudo] build the zm database. (again don't type the > or # signs at start of line!)

Code: Select all

>(enter root password)
#mysql mysql < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql
#mysqladmin reload
#mysql mysql
>>grant select,insert,update,delete on zm.* to 'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';
(16) Enable zoneminder. (menu-System::Administration::Services) and find zoneminder. Enable it.
[17] You can start it there too. But I wanted to see any errors, so I opened a terminal window, su-ed to root and typed:

Code: Select all

#service zoneminder start
I was watching for the 'green-ok'.
[18] Last thing - took me two days to find that you must edit the SECOND entry of short_open_tag down at line 229. Aurgh. Again as root, edit /etc/php.ini. Change short_open_tag from 'off' to 'on'. If you don't do this the console is blank!
[19] reboot. open browser, type 'localhost/zm' and you should be greeted with the zm-console!

Now since this took all of Valentines Day weekend - I owe my wife some (a lot of) flowers, If this helps you, send a note to candy at hiredguntech dot com with 'flowers' in the subject! thanks!

Note to admin - if'n you wish to format/edit this - please have at it!
ZoneMinder - bringing people like me into the linux fold!
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Post by bb99 »

Very good "get it running instructions"; Thank you. Only one edit I'm going to suggest, change the RPM commands to lower case, took me a minute to remember. Now comes the test for longevity...
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Post by bb99 »

Been almost a week and still plugging away, something I can't say for others on my hardware so I'm changing very good to great! Pats on the back to Fedora for supporting the Intel 810E (w/sata) the way that they have and you for having posted your diehard efforts; sorry no flowers for Candy as my wife's very jealous and monitoring my every move! Let her know...
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Post by PatMcLJr »

Thanks hiredguntech!
I want to try this with f13
zoneminder is in the repos and it was easy to put up for a web cam on an old box so I'll cross my fingers and try it on my box with 8 cameras

Thanks to bb99 for pointing this thread out in another post.

Pat Jr.
evil doers beware, someone is watching you,
hopefully me!
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Post by 56pit »

I am having trouble get the rpmfusion to download. I keep getting timeouts on the connection.

Also should the directory for the events be setup on an xfs?
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Post by bb99 »

The rpm part of the fusion string must be lower case or you will timeout. I always recommend partitioning the drive with the largest part. mounted as /var. This separates your events to this location.
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Post by bb99 »

Configuration tip: ensure the ffmpeg path is right (options::images). Two out of three builds were correct last one was /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg. Video generation would not work so removed the local/ and ffmpeg did it's job. Other then above posts this thing is rock solid.
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Is FFMPEG supported in Fedore RPM

Post by father1e »

I have zoneminder running on Fedora 12, installed from the rpm package. I have two IP cameras one defined as 'REMOTE' and one as 'FFMPEG'. I am having problems getting the FFMPEG camera working under Fedora. I have had this working as an FFMPEG camera under other distributions but not under Fedora.

I think the Fedora rpm does not have ffmpeg support. This conclusion is based on two discoveries. If I look at the library dependencies for zmu and zmc using the ldd command I do not see libavformat, libavutil, nor libswscale in the listing. These are present on distribution where my FFMPEG camera is working.

I also pulled down the source rpm and looked at the zoneminder.spec file. Here I see an entry with noffmpeg.patch.

So can someone confirm for me whether or not ffmpeg is supported in the fedora rpm for zoneminder?

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Post by bb99 »

Fedora doesn't include ffmpeg in it's core distribution so you have to add it as the above step by step says (rpm fusion repository?). I'm not running an ffmpeg camera but do use it regularly for creating video for export and it works no problems. I’m not in a position right now to check the libraries you listed but I will in a day or so.

Edit: there all here: /usr/lib; shouldn't be an issue for you just follow the step by step.