Being trying to install ZoneMinder 1.24.x and the compilation having errors, I found a rpm for the server I bought for ZoneMinder : zoneminder-1.22.3-9.el5.kb.x86_64.rpm
But it doesn't seem to connect to a camera (it looks red on ZM console, as you can see on the image below).
The logs are full of errors, do you have any suggestion on what to do next ?
Every 10 seconds I get :
and also08/04/10 12:05:44.205765 zmwatch[9783].ERR [Can't get shared memory id '7a6d2001', 1: No such file or directory]
08/04/10 12:05:44.206147 zmwatch[9783].INF [Restarting capture daemon for HDS_Rear, shared memory not valid]
08/04/10 12:05:44.335477 zmwatch[9783].INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 10/08/04 12:05:44, pid = 15851]
???08/04/10 12:05:54.475118 zmdc[9716].INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 10/08/04 12:05:54, pid = 15865]
08/04/10 12:05:54.491375 zmdc[9716].ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
It seems I should change ZM_SHM_KEY in the config ?
But to which value ?
Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestion