I really need some Help please thank you

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I really need some Help please thank you

Post by Diablo »

I just want someone who can help me or explain me exactly where is my problem on the configuration zoneminder

I'm professionnal of asterisk solution VoIP but not on the Zoneminder and I really want to try to connecte my asterisk and zoneminder but unfortunatly is't more hard as I was thinking :(

Todays my zoneminder is running but I cannot see any camera on the screen : I'll explain to you more and I hope you can help me little bit thank you.

I have 2 caméra WVC2300 and WVC210 and this camera work if I'm using the link http access direct by the server WEB inside on the camera so this is the link I use to see directly on the firefox

http://user:password@IP_Server/img/video.mjpeg this is for both of the camera WVC210 ans also WVC2300 and is working ok!

so that is normal for the moment ok and I prefer to configure my camera WVC2300 on RTSP protocol to using on zoneminder .
So I catch the signal video directly on VLC I only do that just to be sure the RTSP is working and It's ok I can see direct on VLC with the WVC2300 but the RTSP for the WVC210 it is not working because I didn't find the right path beacause is not the same as below

rtsp:// this work on VLC for WVC2300 but not with WVC210.

OK let talk now onn my zoneminder problem

so this is the problem I put both of the camera on zoneminder and I can't see any flux video on the creen, I tried both of the config one with HTTP and the other one with RTSP and same problem no video???? Zoneminder writting running I can stop and start without problem so everything looks like correct but can not find the video flux on both camera

this is the configuration on my 2 camera

screen - WVC230 RTST

* General

Name WVC2300
Source Type remote
Fonction monitor
Activity yes stick
i/s maximum 30.00
Alarm Maximum FPS nothing
Reference Image Blend %ge 7

* Source

Remote Protocol RTSP
Remote Method RTP/RTSP
Remote Host Name
Remote Host Port 554
Remote Host Path img/video.MPEG-4%20SP
Remote Image Colours 24bit
Larg. capture (pixels) 320
Haut. capture (pixels) 240
Preserve Aspect Ratio no stick

screen - WVC210 HTTP

* General

Name WVC210
Source Type remote
Fonction monitor
Activity yes stick
i/s maximum 30.00
Alarm Maximum FPS nothing
Reference Image Blend %ge 7

* Source

Remote Protocol HTTP
Remote Method SIMPLE
Remote Host Name
Remote Host Port 80
Remote Host Path img/video.mjpeg
Remote Image Colours 24bit
Larg. capture (pixels) 320
Haut. capture (pixels) 240
Preserve Aspect Ratio no stick

Nom Fonction Source Evènts Heure Jour Semaine Mois Archived Zones Order Marque
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
WVC2300 Monitor 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 UpDown
WVC210 Monitor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UpDown

and Nothing work so if someone can help me to explain me exactly where is my problem it'll be great thank you a lot

ps: sorry for my bad english I try to do the best as I can

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Post by KeithB »

If your cameras are passworded, as you indicate above, then you should have that in the Remote Host Name eg 'user:password@ '
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Hi KeithB

Post by Diablo »

Thank to answer my post, but unfortunatly it's the same problem I already tried to put that on the field

this is for the HTTP caméra WVC210
Remote Host Name toto:toto@

this is for the RTSP caméra WVC2300
Remote Host Name toto:toto@

after on the zoneminder

Nom Fonction Source Evènts Heure Jour Semaine Mois Archived Zones Order Marque
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WVC2300 Monitor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UpDown "This line is ORANGE :("
WVC210 Monitor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UpDown "This line is ORANGE :("

what doesn't mean exactly the color beetween orange and red on the line on all camera does this means when we don't have acces on the flux video on the camera if I don't put the login and password ????
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Post by KeithB »

Orange on the Source and Function should mean its working. If you change Function to Record does it go green? If so you should see JPGs appearing off the events directory.
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HI KeithB

Post by Diablo »

Yes when I change to reccord it's comming on green but

WVC2300 Record 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UpDown "On this line the function and the source are green

WVC210 Record 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 UpDown "On this line the function and the source are green"

I Have a question for you , do you think it's better to use all my camera with protocol RTSP it's mutch better than HTTP for you ?
Sorry maybe my question look like stupid for some people but I'm not trong at all on video I'm just good on asterisk so I can help you on asterisk if you want one days this is why I realy want to know zoneminder it's for connect both one the application ;)
so ok when everything are green it means working but when I I click on the

Cycle / Montage
I get a Blank page like this without video
Montage Scale:Actuel Layout Default

and nothing I'm complétly lost I try everithing install 3 others zoneminder everytime it's same I 'm sure I must forget something what ?? don't know yet hope you or someone can help me thank for answer all time KeithB
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is someone can may answer me or not for my problem

Post by Diablo »

I still have the same problem
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no video

Post by river100 »

i dont have experience with those camera types, however.

your problem could be as simple as the web browser that you use. if the sources are green, try Firefox instead of IE.
if that doesn't solve your problem...

try without passwords ( in the cam setup & zoneminder ) and...

turn off all but one cam, then in the buffer section:

"image buffer size" to at least 60 ad the "pre event image count" to 10

if you get video, you can go from there.

IE can be used but Firefox works outta the box so one less variable to over come while setting up.

i have a hard time getting GOOD results from internet explorer on a working system. the again i hate IE so never spent more that a few mins on it.

don't give up you'll get it.
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Thank River

Post by Diablo »

just for some information I already use all the time firefox 3 , I also hate IE so about the browser i think it's ok .

yesterday I found one post this one http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.php/Linksys and I change the path of both camera
# Remote Host Name: user:password@ip.ad.dr.ess
# Remote Host Path: img/mjpeg.jpg

and I also try this but not working ??
# Remote Host Name: user:password@ip.ad.dr.ess
# Remote Host Path: img/snapshot.cgi?size=3&quality=1

and only on one camera WVC210 I get the video but not all time this is very strange maybe it's the Path it's not setting propely what do you think ????

How Can I get the rigth path for both camera I already check the RTFM on camera and nothing writting but on VLC I get for RTSP on the WVC2300 this is the path and it work very weel
for WVC210 I did not find for RTSP but for HTTP no problem

on the link I send you it's writting "What doesnt work"

* img/video.mjpeg (and other similar urls). Generally barfs on zm_remote_camera_http.cpp:134, and I cant be bothered debugging it. "

This is the problem because it's was exactly the path I use on firefox and work with VLC also but if I understand it doesn't work on Zoneminder .

so if I use
# Remote Host Name: user:password@ip.ad.dr.ess
# Remote Host Path: img/mjpeg.jpg
I get for the first time some video but only if I click on the button cycle not on the montage or on the name of camera this doesn't work do you have a ide ???

I will try to take of the login and password on camera juste to be sure thank for the answer
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Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:07 pm

Post by danisam »

Hi Diablo,
Did you have some results, with your cisco cams?
I am going to buy 15 PVC2300 for a network CCTV solution.
I work also with asterisk and zoneMinder, i am interrested in your idea to use them together.
If you want we can speak in french , send me an email to dguevara@nxtview.com

Best regards