ZM-1.20.0 Fedoa Core 3 RPM

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ZM-1.20.0 Fedoa Core 3 RPM

Post by cordel »

I just finnished packaging zm for FC3 I think. I used Oskins zminit script and based every thing pretty much on what he done. I need a few brave souls to test it out.:twisted:
PM me if your interested.

PS I just built it onto a mini distro of FC3 I'll keep ya posted on how it goes.
I should know if everything is good... or not in 30 minutes :)
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Post by cordel »

Ran into a hitch with the init script. Affaid we'll have to wait for Oskin for his super fine work.
just a bit beyond me at the moment. :cry: or maybe I've been up and awake to long :shock:
I unfortunately have to leave for work so by the time I get back I'll probably be wiped. But I'll tinker somemore when I can.
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Post by cordel »

Darn it,
I pretty sure I found the problem. No sleep for me. Be on it as soon as I get back.
Cordel :oops:
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Post by cordel »

Packages for Fedoa Core 3 at ... Extra-RPMS
All the extras for ZM as well. If there is any missing perl modules let me know and I'll get them built.
Everything seems to work fine on Fedora with no login issues. Try it out and let me know if there is something I need to address.

Updated ftp directory
Last edited by cordel on Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:20 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by cordel »

Sorry I had reconfigured the FTP server and forgot to add anonymous access. This has now be addressed.
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RPM package

Post by madmax »

I installed the FC3 RPM. I noticed that it installs to /usr/lib/zm

How do it access it from the web interface? do I need to copy it to /var/www/html??
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Post by cordel »

No need to copy it any where. Type in the url http://localhost/zm
If you look in /etc/httpd/conf.d/zm.conf is set up as a alis so all your static files are in /usr/lib/zm and all your data is in /var/lib/zm
PS the credit goes to Oskin for this.
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Post by TheWayne »

I installed the RPM on a fresh system and the only module I needed to get was perl-TimeDate which is required by perl-MailTools .
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Post by madmax »

Ok.. thanks. I got my FC3 zm install working with the RPMs. I now want to play with

but I get:

Can't open config file: No such file or directory at line 45.

do you know where pulls the config file? /etc/zm.conf is correct and updated.

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SQL error on updating settings

Post by ccvanmarion »

Great rpm, everything is working now but I have one problem left.
When trying to update de settings I get the following error:

Code: Select all

You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' Contrast = , Hue = , Colour = where Id = '1'' at line 1
Rest of SQL queries is working fine. I don't know if this problem is related to the rpm version or a common problem.

Anyone with a solution?? :?: .

BTW: The only strange thing with this RPM that I have to switch authorisation to on, because without it, no picture or stream was shown.

Thanks for the RPM :P :P

Koos van Marion
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Post by cordel »

The Steamming issue with no autherazation is fixed in the the next version.
It's on my ftp now as zm-1.20.1-RC1
As for the SQL error it is still present in the the release canidate and to ellaborate this error it shows up from the settings link above the streaming video. confermed

Madmax I'm testing the new version and I do not recieve this error. How would I duplicate it?
What are your settings?

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Post by madmax »

When I try to run zmtrigger, I get the following error. I have the same problem with

[root@zoneminder bin]# perl
Can't open config file: No such file or directory at line 45.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 73.
[root@zoneminder bin]#
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Post by cordel »

Did you install zm-X10? It's on the ftp server as well. Also have you upgraded the database?
It looks like zmtriggers looks to the database to get it's config info. Check the readme for usage of zmtriggers.
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Post by madmax »

Thanks for all of the help. I apparently did not install the X10 rpm. That fixed X10 and triggered events. I still was unable to get to run at all. But, I am happy for now with X10.
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Post by cordel »

Great, Now maybe you can point me in the right dirrection to get started using X10. What do I need to get sarted?