Help with frameskip calculations

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Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:39 am
Location: México

Help with frameskip calculations

Post by DREMA »

Hello everyone!

I don't totally get the frameskip setting, I have cameras that do 30fps, I want to watch the live stream at that but to record like 8fps and maybe 12fps on alarm. So, what setting do I need to specify to accomplish this?

Any experience on recording at this framerate? Do you think I need more?
Posts: 162
Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:39 am
Location: México

Post by DREMA »

Anyone some thoughts about this?
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:33 am

Post by Dreded »

well reading the manual yields this description for Framskip..

Frame Skip – This setting also applies only to the ‘Record’ or ‘Mocord’ functions and specifies how many frames should be skipped in the recorded events. The default setting of zero results in every captured frame being saved, whereas one would mean that one frame is skipped between each saved one, two means that two frames are skipped between each saved one etc. An alternate way of thinking is that one in every ‘Frame Skip + 1’ frames is saved. The point of this is to ensure that saved events do not take up too much space unnecessarily whilst still allowing the camera to capture at a fairly high frame rate. The alternate approach is to limit the capture frame rate which will obviously affect the rate at which frames are saved.

So if you have a 30fps camera and you want it to save at 8fps you would want to skip 3 frames so it captures every 4th which would actually result in 7.5 fps(30/4) obviously you cant have half a frame so your options would be to enter...

Code: Select all

| Frameskip |  Result  |
|   1       |  15fps   |
|   2       |  10fps   |
|   3       |  7.5fps  | (would vary between 7-8)
|   4       |  6fps    |
|   5       |  5fps    |
|   6       |  4fps    |
|   9       |  3fps    |
For what its worth I record at 5fps and find this more than adequate