Event playback broken...

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Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:37 pm

Event playback broken...

Post by legend1222 »

I have googled and searched for a possible answer to this, but can find none. Someone else did post the same issue a few weeks ago, but got no answer. I'd like to provide a little more info.

First, the problem:

Most of my events, when played back, play for a few, seemingly random, amount of seconds and then freezes. The entire playback window becomes unresponsive. The rest of ZM is fine. I just have to reopen the event, but of course it always freezes at the same location.

I tried exporting the event images and making my own video. I found that the process would crash, basically at the same point of the freeze.

What I have determined is that my ZM is dropping files (for lack of better words). I'll have 065-capture.jpg, 066-capture.jpg, NO 067, the 068-capture.jpg. It appears to be that missing file causing the issue. Usually theres more then one.

My load appears fine, memory, disk space, I can't think of any reason for this. Again, this happens on the majority of my events, which almost makes ZM useless. At least very frustrating to use.

Any help would be great.