I've just started using zoneminder, and am very happy with compared to my old stand alone box recorder. I also use X10 heavily, but I haven't even ventured to that in ZM yet. Lots to explore...
My question is: Has anyone setup a way to get the event list page show a thumbnail with each line? I want to take the first highest scoring image and display that as a shrunken image either in a new column or else replacing the text in the monitor column (I can tell which camera is which by looking at the photo).
To make the page load faster, I could use an image editing program to shrink the image for display, but I don't personally have a network issue, so I'm fine with just using the raw pitcure with HTML tags to shrink it.
This would allow me to sit down and quickly scan the ~200 alarms detected during the day and determine which are the garbage truck and which are people walking around my house.
Any experience with this?
If this hasn't been done, I would like to suggest it as a future enhancement for the version 2 that seems to be coming up. If formally integrated into the site, it would probably need a true thumbnail creating step to reduce website data for users with limited connections. Version 2 is already sounding pretty good as its been described.
[Closed] Event list with thumbnails
[Closed] Event list with thumbnails
Last edited by Briago on Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.