rczm start returns failed

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rczm start returns failed

Post by chendrix »

I am running on OpenSuSe 11.3. When I run rczm start, I get failed. Where do I look for problems?
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zmpkg.pl start

Post by chendrix »

I read about this on another forum and it returns NOTHING. How can I be sure that the correct dependencies for MP are installed properly. I'm not sure why, but that's what I'm least confident about at this point.
John Bowling
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Same problem

Post by John Bowling »

rczm start returns fail
no errors
tail -5 /var/log/messages
Dec 17 07:47:34 linux-DVR2 rsyslogd: -- MARK --
Dec 17 08:03:29 linux-DVR2 su: (to root) john on /dev/pts/1
Dec 17 08:06:21 linux-DVR2 zmpkg[26856]: INF [Command: start]
Dec 17 08:06:21 linux-DVR2 sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/srv/www/htdocs/zm ; USER=wwwrun ; COMMAND=/bin/true
Dec 17 08:06:21 linux-DVR2 sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/srv/www/htdocs/zm ; USER=wwwrun ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/zmdc.pl check

Is there a separate place for zm error messages?

Hardware is AMD triple core in an M3A78-CM motherboard, 4G DDR2.
No video input card - will be working with IP cameras only.

openSUSE 11.3 and the MP repo from

ffmpeg (from packman) installed prior to zm instal.

mysql is running - I can log in as root with the password and look at the zoneminder database

I could not log in as zm_admin with the password. I ran zm_database_init and entered and reentered the password for zm_admin, and was then able to login to mysql using it.

rczm start still fails
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:20 pm

ZM start failed

Post by chendrix »

My ZM start is still failing. I am running ZM 1.24 on OpenSuSe 11.3. I'm not sure what to do. The individual that replied was stating his own problem which is unfortunate for him, but does not help me.
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Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:16 pm

Post by linclkh »

Mine said the same thing, and like I said .
it works anyway.

In other words it said it did not start, but it really did start.

That is if apache3 and mysql is setup right.
Really nothing to setup for apache, just start it.
If you opened firefox like said down below. and you get an error, mysql is probably the problem. so look there.

If it does not start after a shutdown or reboot, Go to yast, then runlevel and set it there.

Opensuse has some bugs like any other , But Zoneminder has been rock solid here on mine.

Have you opened fire fox and typed in -http://localhost/zm- without the -
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Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:20 pm

ZM Fails

Post by chendrix »

I believe you may be right about it saying it failed, but it actually started. When I go to -http://localhost/zm (without the -), ZoneMinder runs, which made me think it actually started. However, I cannot get a live camera feed or see archived footage which made me begin to look at all possible causes. I installed the -mp version and I added the ffmpeg dependencies in Yast. I actually did all of this two times. I just can't see the live video. However, using Firefox, I CAN go directly to the camera's IP and see the live feed.
I'm using Cisco IP 2500 cameras and they are mostly used on the Cisco VSOM which is probably why support for them in this type of application is very thin.
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Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:16 pm

Post by linclkh »

Ok, Zoneminder is working.

Now you have to setup the cameras in ZM. They don't setup by them self.

Open the ZM , and setup a monitor, by clicking on (add new monitor) and fill in the info.

Look here for help on filling the info in the monitor setup.

http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.ph ... rk_Cameras
