If you use the svn version, you get the 1.24.3. You could also patch the 1.24.2 version to get it working with the EyeZM app.
Follow the instructions on your link (http://www.eyezm.com/help/?ver=current)
Watching ZM on iPAD
Thanks Drema... just to add, we will introduce an iPad app around the v2.0 point of eyeZm, which should be within the next 3 releases. For now, the iphone app should work for you as a stop-gap though!DREMA wrote:If you use the svn version, you get the 1.24.3. You could also patch the 1.24.2 version to get it working with the EyeZM app.
Follow the instructions on your link (http://www.eyezm.com/help/?ver=current)
eyeZm, Native iPhone App for ZoneMinder: http://www.eyezm.com
Version 1.3 now available on iTunes, introduces Montage view, HTTPS/SSL support and H264 native streaming!
Subscribe to RSS feed for updates: http://www.eyezm.com/rssfeed.xml
Version 1.3 now available on iTunes, introduces Montage view, HTTPS/SSL support and H264 native streaming!
Subscribe to RSS feed for updates: http://www.eyezm.com/rssfeed.xml