
Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.24.x releases only.
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Post by pki »

Hi there.

I want to use zoneminder to grab a stream (MJPEG or MPEG4) from WAN, WXGA @ 1-3ps and make it availible to other viewing devices and a recorder in the LAN.

Does zm need to decompress the stream and compress it again to make it availible? Or can the stream be retransmitted without being recompressed?

I do not need any operation by zoneminder, no motion detection, no recording, monitor mode only.

I'm asking because of the need of processor power to recompress it again and detail loss.

Maybe there is some other, easier way to restream? Maybe VLC?

Many thx.
SQ2LYH :-)
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Post by jdhar »

VLC can do what want.. just take your V4L input stream into VLC and re-broadcast it over HTTP/RTSP/RTP etc.. plenty of info on VLC usage for this out there.
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