Instar clone camera brightness and contrast settings

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Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:46 pm

Instar clone camera brightness and contrast settings

Post by whyzerman »

Hi all.

I have an IP camera (Vidi-line IP ViDi-23WiFi) which uses the same software as Instar IN2905.

The camera specs don't indicate linux support but considering that the screenshots i found showed that it uses the same admin console as Instar I tried on Ubuntu and I normally made it work with Instar settings from wiki.

On windows this camera is controlled by activex, which technically means that browser needs to be constantly on to record motion which is pretty annoying even if I wanted to use it in windows. But that's just for the info.

The real problem is that my cam is set in the darker place monitoring towards lighter place which requires manual setting of brightness and contrast at the break of day - which has to be done through windows and then reflects in zoneminder - annoying as hell. I believe that this (cheap)camera doesn't have an automatic adjustment of brightness and contrast.

Is it at least possible to somehow control brightness and contrast via zoneminder and maybe script for the brightness and contrast to automatically change at certain time of day.

All ideas and comments would be much appreciated.