Events showing up with a (r) suffix??

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Events showing up with a (r) suffix??

Post by BlankMan »

Some of my events are showing up with an (r) suffix on them i.e. Event-129919(r)

No idea what that means or what the cause is. I have noticed that these events are shorter then normal in length 5-6 seconds as opposed to normal short events being in the 10-12 second range.

Yesterday I had a server meltdown, kernel tainted messages for about 7 hours then after rebooting the Frames table indicated is was crashed so I did a --recover on it and all seemed well.

Then yesterday after the reboot I noticed I had a bunch of events with 0 time, 0 frames, etc. So I deleted any 0 length events and any with the (r) but today the (r)'s are back, not all but some.
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Post by punch-card »

Check your system log, when I had these types of issues in the begining, I found my answer to be an issue with ffmpeg, but it should up in the /var/log/messages (based on version OS). Good Luck.
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Post by zoneminder »

This tag means that the events were (r)ecovered. In other works they were not closed properly at the time (due to a crash or DB problem). In this context not closed means that only the initial event DB info was created and the update that normally occurs when an event ends did not take place.

The zmaudit process will then come along and close them and update the DB with correct info etc. It also appends the (r) onto the end of the name so you can identify these events.
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Post by DREMA »

Is this something wrong?

I'm starting to notice a lot of this (r) on my events, no errors on the logs
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