Sorry, but my English is not enough to read the manual and look at the forum.
The problem is the following:
I installed Zoneminder
Set up the camera mode modeсt.
Everything works, the camera records .. However, there is one problem.
After triggering an alarm camera constantly records until it can not be stopped manually.
PS: Sorry, Google translate
infinite alarm
Re: infinite alarm
I am also having this issue. The camera will go into alarm state and then never reset back to idle. Any help would be appreciated.
Units Percent
Alarm Check Method Alarmed Pixels
Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255) 20 0
Filter Width/Height (pixels) 3 3
Zone Area greyed out
Min/Max Alarmed Area 8 0
Min/Max Filtered Area greyed out
Min/Max Blob Area greyed out
Min/Max Blobs greyed out
Overload Frame Ignore Count 0
Units Percent
Alarm Check Method Alarmed Pixels
Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255) 20 0
Filter Width/Height (pixels) 3 3
Zone Area greyed out
Min/Max Alarmed Area 8 0
Min/Max Filtered Area greyed out
Min/Max Blob Area greyed out
Min/Max Blobs greyed out
Overload Frame Ignore Count 0