Cam't work with dlink 3220

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Cam't work with dlink 3220

Post by ___jul »


Primary thank you for this great tool, I was looking for a solution to monitor all my IP camera when I encounter zoneminder which seems to go far away my little need and it's great.
I have 5 cameras : 2 dlink 900 and 3 dlink 3220 (DCS3220-DLNK-0102d)
Immediatly I installed the version 1.24.2 on my Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.2 with the source list.
Everything worked well immediatly with the dlink 900 but I error with the dlink 3220.
First I could'nt get any image fron the dlink 3220 but later I change the capture size to 352x320.
I could see the image but frequently the image fall out and I get this error : zmwatch[6213].ERR [Can't get shared memory id '7a6d000b', 11: No such file or directory]

I searched everywhere I change severeal times the sysctl.conf, I tried everything, I guess :
#kernel.shmall = 134217728
#kernel.shmmax = 134217728
kernel.shmall = 268424446
kernel.shmmax = 4194304000
I read a lot of pages like : ... dlink+3220

Finaly I change again the resolution to 170x120 to keep it longuer but some times it fall out again.
What can I do to get all the time the image beside with a larger resolution ?

Thanks for your help

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Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:04 am

Re: Cam't work with dlink 3220

Post by bb99 »

Read through every post returned on a DCS (dlink) 3220 search and I have to tell you this could be an uphill battle. I didn't find one "I got it to work" post, not one. Based on your last two posted values for shared memory, it's not your problem at all. So the shared memory complaint in zmwatch really just indicates there wasn't anything there to get (that simple). Couple of things I'm going to suggest: go back to the 352*240 resolution, turn off regexp. (at least try), and change the fps in ZM (monitor settings) to a low value for both normal and alarmed (2, maybe 3 fps) and see how it does. Like to get you to the 710 res. setting but not now. Don't get disappointed if one of these settings doesn't work, simply change it back. Gut feeling on this is that the camera stream is being interrupted within the camera. I don't have one of these so it's up to you to play; if you can turn off authentication (user:password) do it, if it has motion detection, turn it off, if it has an auto setting for fps, select a manual setting; I think you have the idea. Please do post any results, there are several still active members of this forum who've been trying to get these to work!