zmc - 100% CPU usage

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zmc - 100% CPU usage

Post by pipman »

I have zoneminder 1.20.1 running with a single network camera at 352x288/3fps.

The ZMC process starts at 4 - 5% cpu usage but over about 30minutes climbs to 99.9% usage.

I have checked the logs and there is nothing out of the ordinary. I have tried running as record & mocord but no difference. Other zm processes running at normal 2 - 3% usage.

> ZM_OPT_FRAME_SERVER is Off (I have tried on but no difference)

I am running mandrake 10 on a dual 1.7ghz xeon with 1Gb of RAM. Machine is also running postfix, apache, bind.

Not sure where to start looking to resolve this...
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Post by zoneminder »

Sometimes this occurs with network cameras when the stream from the camera is flying along at say 15fps but you have tried to limit the capture rate in ZM to say 5fps. Setting a max fps in ZM with network cameras only makes sense if you set the same rate (or pref less) on the camera itself either by configuration or via a cgi type parameter (as you can with Axis cameras for instance).

Of course that may not be your problem but the build up of load seems to be consistent with the picture stream queue getting bigger and bigger.
