First go enable it the normal way under setting->x10
Second you need to give zm permission to use the serial port. On Ubuntu do this
sudo adduser www-data dialout
Third Fix the zm bug Status change bug.
found it on the forum but cant find it again so here is the fixed version.
Forth download the missing perl libs.
Code: Select all
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install CPAN
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Sys::Mmap
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install YAML PHP::Serialization Module::Load X10::ActiveHome
exit ... ola-0.7%29
Now restart ZM.
Testing time
Open a termianl and type
Code: Select all -u 1 -c on
Ok now in theory it would work if the zm interface didn't also have bugs.\
Now go to the monitor(camera) you want to interface X10 to.
Now on the main tab theres a X10 option at the bottom.
Normally selecting this will turn on the X10 related stuff but it never stays on after you hit apply. (we will get to this in a second)
Go to the X10 tab and set up the options you want. SEE: ... ion#X10_Ta
Now to fix the issues with the X10 check box you need to manually enable that check box in mysql. This is the sql query NOTE: you need to chage id=<num> to what ever monitor id you system uses.
Code: Select all
UPDATE Monitors SET triggers = 'X10' WHERE id = 2
Logon to mysql:
Code: Select all
mysql -p -u root
Code: Select all
USE zm;
Run sql query
Code: Select all
UPDATE Monitors SET triggers = 'X10' WHERE id = 2;