Anything you want added or changed in future versions of ZoneMinder? Post here and there's a chance it will get in! Search to make sure it hasn't already been requested.
Hi all, I've been using zoneminder for a couple years. I think this would be the ultimate feature: a combination of the montage, timeline and event playback views to synchronize the playback of multiple cameras. And the ability to switch between playback and live feed in that same view.
Let me know what you think. At any rate, please vote at the top of the post.
This option may be done very easily creating Virtual Cams.
A Virtual Cam is composed by at last one real cam or more (mosaic), and (with or without) any effect (negative, zoom, cropping, masking, blend, watermark logo, mirror, rotate, ubuntu weather info... like virtualdub)
The ideal may be that virtual cams runs at the server but they could eat lot of CPU and RAM.
Other option is that the server do the same than today and Virtual Cams mixing work run at the client, but it will need many bandwidth and does not work with andorid, iphone...