Need help with ZoneMinder 1.24.2 - Ubuntu 11.04 Server x64

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Need help with ZoneMinder 1.24.2 - Ubuntu 11.04 Server x64

Post by Tumphu »


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Need help with ZoneMinder 1.24.2 - Ubuntu 11.04 Server x64 and Zones.

I've got cheap dealextreme video card, use Dealextreme search: 15758 (im new user, so cant paste links...)
Computer with Ubuntu 11.04 Server x64 running on it, newest updates and all
Zoneminder 1.24.2

At first I had problems with detection zone blobs, but when I found out it was problem with mootools, I found solution from these forums. Now I can manage zones. After doing some limitations to detection zones, my camera stopped working.

So IF im running with default zone, my camera works in Monitor, Mocord, etc modes without any problems. I can change settings and all goes ok. BUT... when I go change Motion detect zone even a bit, camera stops workinb BUT not right a way. So when I do some changes to motion detection zone and save those, camera stays orange and I can watch it. When moving is detected, it doesnt record anything so motion detect doesnt work. When I go to Camera settings and press save (without any changes) camera turns to red and stays red until all zones are removed and whole computer is rebooted. Zoneminder restart doesnt help.

Im not sure is this problem with zoneminder OR with saa7134 driver, but anyway its a huge problem and weird.

Im not linux guru, so this is huge problem to me. Thanx for advice to anyone who tries help me

Tuomo, Finland
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Re: Need help with ZoneMinder 1.24.2 - Ubuntu 11.04 Server x

Post by erict35 »

It seems this driver has compatibility problems with some linux kernel.

Try to add this line in /etc/modprobe.d/saa7134.conf and reboot

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/saa7134.conf

and added:

options saa7134 card=112 tuner=54 gpio_tracking=1 i2c_scan=1

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Re: Need help with ZoneMinder 1.24.2 - Ubuntu 11.04 Server x

Post by Tumphu »

Thnx for advice,

I tried adding that line, actually I made that file...

When I type:

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/saa7134.conf (im using x64 server from command line, no GUI)

I got an empty file, but I copy-pasted your line there and saved, rebooted but didnt help.

I can still see my video when its monitor mode, but when I change to mocord (while zones are edited) it turns to red... So every time zones are edited, camera turns to red.

Can this be driver / kernel problem or is it about zoneminder? my card?

Tuomo, Finland