Execute command on Filter occur

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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:04 am

Execute command on Filter occur

Post by nabetse_x »

Hi all,

I had a doubt, when i create a Filter there is an option that says : "Execute command on all matches" and have a text field.

My question is how can i execute a command ? can i run a custom script (bash , perl , php , etc )? i've tried running a few commands written on the field, but don't work .

I've searched trought much pages on this forums, but i can't found anything, and the search option restrict terms like "command, filter, event, " so i cant search by those keywords

Any suggestions ?


Hola ,

Tengo una duda, cuando creo un filtro hay una opcion que dice : "Ejecutar comando en las coincidencias" y tiene un campo de texto.

Mi pregunta es : como puedo ejecutar un comando ? puedo correr un script personalizado (bash,perl,php,etc )? he intentado corriendo un par de comandos escritos en el campo, pero no funciona.

Busque por muchas paginas de los foros, pero no encontré nada , y la busqueda me restringe los terminos "command, filter, event, " asi que no puedo buscar por esos terminos

Alguna sugerencia ?
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:04 am

Re: Execute command on Filter occur

Post by nabetse_x »

i've just found the answer , after several tries, i get it, just use the absolute path to .sh file and that's all.

the only trouble its that i can't use arguments, but works fine.

Best Regards,