Reset admin password?

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Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:10 am

Reset admin password?

Post by zccopwrx »

I am running 1.24.2 and at some point I set the admin password, but have forgotten it. The problem is I want to re-enable authentication, but as soon as I do, I need to be able to log back in to manage users (or even disable auth). Obviously since I dont know the password, this is a huge issue.

Can someone give me some direction on how to reset it, or change it without risking loosing access to ZM?? I looked in the database but it seems to just be a password HASH, and not a usable password.

Any Ideas?
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Joined: Mon May 10, 2010 4:11 am
Location: Worth, IL

Re: Reset admin password?

Post by kevin186 »

I found the answer @ ... ord#p56096 . I tested it out on one of my users by logging into phpmyadmin and deleting the user's password. I was then able to log in to that account by leaving the password empty.

Note: the password is hashed using mysql's function password(). You can run a sql query

Code: Select all

SELECT PASSWORD('my-password');
to output the hashed password.