[edit] My problem is Firefox related. I started another post about it here.
http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... 21&t=18373
I recently bought 3 PTZ cameras. My current setup is a total of 15 cameras including the PTZ. If I am viewing all the monitors in montage view and open a PTZ camera to move it, it will not move. If I disable 2 cameras I can then move the PTZ cameras. I've looked at the control log and its not registering a command when more than 13 cameras are in the montage view.
This only happens on the PC I am viewing the cameras on. If I have my PC viewing all the camera and remote into another PC and just view the one PTZ I can move the camera from the remote PC.
Anyone else have this issue? Anyone know how to fix it?
No PTZ control with more than 13 monitors in montage view.
No PTZ control with more than 13 monitors in montage view.
Last edited by theforce on Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: No PTZ control with more than 13 monitors in montage vie
I think it might just be a Firefox issue. I found a windows box and tried it with IE and it worked fine. Thats a first for IE. I still would like to know why this is happening and how to fix it.