We've just finished porting the Cvision Labs ZoneMinder Plugin architecture to the 1.25.0 release. This architecture allows you to load 3rd party plugins into ZoneMinder to do various analytics on captured images. This patch (attached) for the 1.25.0 release will also load in a sample face detection plugin.
1) Download the 1.25.0 release and extract it
2) Download and put the patch in the folder Zoneminder is in. Then patch it.
Code: Select all
cd ZoneMinder-1.25.0
patch -p1 -i ../plugin-1.25.0-0.2.patch
To install/use plugins (instructions from CVision labs)
1) Install opencv 2.1 (from sources). Haven't tested newer.
2) Install scons,
3) Go into zoneminder/plugins/ folder and run scons.
4) Create folders /usr/share/zm/, /usr/share/zm/haarcascades.Move Zoneminder/plugins/data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml into /usr/share/zm/haarcascades and move zoneminder/plugins/data/plugins.conf into /usr/share/zm/. Also, move libzm_plugin_face_haar.so into /usr/share/zm/ and rename to libzm_plugin_face_haar.zmpl.
5) Open zoneminder in browser, open the Monitor for which you want to use this plugin. In General tab, add "Used Plugins": libzm_plugin_face_haar and set "Do native motion detection" to no. Open options, Config tag. Set flags: Loag plugins and Turn native analysis possibility off.
6) Restart zoneminder.
Let me know how it works!