Generate video from multiple events?

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Generate video from multiple events?

Post by freak »

Using 1.24.2 is there a way to generate video from multiple events that will result in a single mpg file?
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Re: Generate video from multiple events?

Post by nightcrawler »

Zoneminder @Ubuntu 11 server, ZM 1.25.0 , FFMPEG, 4 Analoge cameras, 1.6ghz P4mobile, 2GB ram, 60GB-HDD.
I also have an (homeseer) domotica system up-and-running with touchscreens,light controllers,weather forecast etc.
Posts: 112
Joined: Wed May 03, 2006 5:22 pm

Re: Generate video from multiple events?

Post by freak »

I did a search here and on google and didn't find an answer. No offense but your solution is a pita for me. I was hoping something in the gui allowed this as I don't have access to a command line. I tried the filter as it has an option to "create video for all matches" but it does not appear to do anything.