Perhaps I should be more clear.
I have made a business of "selling" open source solutions. I do not violate the GPL, and tell my customers that they can get the software free. What I provide is a supported solution that includes free software. You pay me so much a month, and get a supported and monitored firewall. The fact that it runs m0n0wall is not really what I am selling. I also have a desktop that works for a flat fee, and that happens to run Ubuntu. That would be the case with Zoneminder. We would sell hardware, installation, and support. The software is free. We have no problem competing with free, as we add a lot of value.
As to supporting Zoneminder, you bet! I am very active in supporting those projects that are core to my business. This includes user support, development, contributions, web space, and in one case a hotel for vacation of a developer. None of the projects I "sell" consider me a leach. If Zoneminde becomes core to my business, the first thing I would do is set up a few torrent clients in different parts of the internet so that the torrent downloads are as fast as a direct download. There is not a big need for mirrors when torrents are well populated...
Which brings me back to my original concern. I see no reason I can not deliver mysql as part of a FOSS system. If I am incorrect in this, please let me know. (Also if there are any other encumbrances to selling a preinstalled ZM system)