When clicking on the link for http://localhost/zm/ user: zm_admin, pass: <<secret>>
I get the error: Table 'zm.Config' doesnt exist.
Yast > System Services show that Apache2, mysql, and zm services are all running.
Went to the UPDATED OPENSUSE instructions http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.ph ... s_for_SuSE
1. in a console as SU: zm_database_init
(a) no lockfile, continue = Y
(b) I get the message “database is already installed. If you want to recreate the database drop it manually and change the 'database-intitialized' configuration option to 'no'
Log files located in /var/log/zm = EMPTY
Events are located at /var/lib/zm = the folder is NON-EXISTENT
I tried several searches and couldnt figure out how to drop the database and change the database initialized configuration
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
zm.Config doesnt exist
zm.Config doesnt exist
Pentium D 820, 2.80GHz, Intel D945PSN ATX, evga geforce 7600GT 256MB PCIE, Geil DDR2, (1GB x 2) Dual Channel 667MHz
Suse 12.1 x86-64bit, Zoneminder 1.25.0-25.1
Suse 12.1 x86-64bit, Zoneminder 1.25.0-25.1
Re: zm.Config doesnt exist
recreating the database is very simple. Log in to MySQL as user root and drop the database:
Dropping the database will loose all events
There is a mechanism to prevent multiple database creation in zm_database_init. The messages states out to the right direction but doesn't tell where the configuration file is located Edit the file /etc/zm_database_init.conf and change the stated option to no.
This should solve the problem.
It would be interesting if you updated from a previous ZoneMinder version when your configuration tables was lost or if the initial installation process failed. Maybe I can reproduce the possible issue and prevent it in further RPM versions.
Hope this helps
recreating the database is very simple. Log in to MySQL as user root and drop the database:
Code: Select all
drop database zm;
There is a mechanism to prevent multiple database creation in zm_database_init. The messages states out to the right direction but doesn't tell where the configuration file is located Edit the file /etc/zm_database_init.conf and change the stated option to no.
This should solve the problem.
It would be interesting if you updated from a previous ZoneMinder version when your configuration tables was lost or if the initial installation process failed. Maybe I can reproduce the possible issue and prevent it in further RPM versions.
Hope this helps
Re: zm.Config doesnt exist
Maybe the cause for the problem is already posted here: this: http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... 29&t=18735
In your case I also would suggest to remove /root/.my.cnf file too to start clean again. Then log in to MySQL:
And follow the steps from previous post.
Hope this helps
In your case I also would suggest to remove /root/.my.cnf file too to start clean again. Then log in to MySQL:
Code: Select all
mysql -p
Hope this helps
Re: zm.Config doesnt exist
1. Log into mysql as user ROOT; in a console: mysql -u root -p then enter the password
2. mysql> drop database zm;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.35 sec)
3. Opened Dolphin Super User and Edited the file /etc/zm_database_init.conf and changed the stated option to no and saved with kwrite:
mysql-host = localhost
mysql-bin = /usr/bin/mysql
database-initialized = yes <<< changed to no
data-install-path = /usr/share/zm
configuration-file = /etc/zm.conf
lock-file = %(data-install-path)s/lock
version-file = %(data-install-path)s/version
create-database-sql-file = %(data-install-path)s/db/zm_create.sql
path-to-zmupdate = /usr/bin/zmupdate.pl
backup-database-during-zmudpate = yes
4. deleted the file /root/.my.cnf
5. logged into mysql as user root (see above 1);mysql> mysql -p
6. confused by posting “follow the steps from the previous post”? I saw several instructions
(a) I made an "edumucated guess", and used the one I initially used at the top of this thread (http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.ph ... s_for_SuSE)
7. ensured services running:Yast > System Services show that Apache2, mysql, and zm services are all running.
8. in a root console: mysql_secure_installation
(a) entered pw
(b) changed the pw to pw2 and re-entered for verification
(c) removed anonymous users = Y
(d) disallow root login remotely = Y
(e) remove test database and access to it = Y
(f) reload privilege tables now = Y
9. in a root console: zm_database_init
(a) no lockfile found, proceed anyway =Y
(b) Enter mysql root password = <entered pw from 8b>
(c) run mysql command to create db as user root =Y
(d) create user zm_admin for zoneminder = Y
(e) enter new passwd for user zm_admin < entered a new unique pw> retype pw for verification
(f) should the config file updated with the new passwd = Y
database sucessfully initialized
you can now start ZonMinder with rczmstart or systemctl start zm.service
11. When clicking on the link for http://localhost/zm/ user: zm_admin, pass: <secret from 9e>
thank you for helping out a newb.
I am sure that I will have more questions as I setup the application.
With regards to your question, this was a first time installation of zoneminder onto opensuse 12.1.
I did the following for an installation:
used http://www.liquid-co.de/pub/suse/repositories/12.1
and updated repos
installed zoneminder (not zoneminder-mp) version 1.25.0-25.1
automagically selected 68 other packages, let them install.
again thanks for your time
2. mysql> drop database zm;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.35 sec)
3. Opened Dolphin Super User and Edited the file /etc/zm_database_init.conf and changed the stated option to no and saved with kwrite:
mysql-host = localhost
mysql-bin = /usr/bin/mysql
database-initialized = yes <<< changed to no
data-install-path = /usr/share/zm
configuration-file = /etc/zm.conf
lock-file = %(data-install-path)s/lock
version-file = %(data-install-path)s/version
create-database-sql-file = %(data-install-path)s/db/zm_create.sql
path-to-zmupdate = /usr/bin/zmupdate.pl
backup-database-during-zmudpate = yes
4. deleted the file /root/.my.cnf
5. logged into mysql as user root (see above 1);mysql> mysql -p
6. confused by posting “follow the steps from the previous post”? I saw several instructions
(a) I made an "edumucated guess", and used the one I initially used at the top of this thread (http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.ph ... s_for_SuSE)
7. ensured services running:Yast > System Services show that Apache2, mysql, and zm services are all running.
8. in a root console: mysql_secure_installation
(a) entered pw
(b) changed the pw to pw2 and re-entered for verification
(c) removed anonymous users = Y
(d) disallow root login remotely = Y
(e) remove test database and access to it = Y
(f) reload privilege tables now = Y
9. in a root console: zm_database_init
(a) no lockfile found, proceed anyway =Y
(b) Enter mysql root password = <entered pw from 8b>
(c) run mysql command to create db as user root =Y
(d) create user zm_admin for zoneminder = Y
(e) enter new passwd for user zm_admin < entered a new unique pw> retype pw for verification
(f) should the config file updated with the new passwd = Y
database sucessfully initialized
you can now start ZonMinder with rczmstart or systemctl start zm.service
11. When clicking on the link for http://localhost/zm/ user: zm_admin, pass: <secret from 9e>
thank you for helping out a newb.
I am sure that I will have more questions as I setup the application.
With regards to your question, this was a first time installation of zoneminder onto opensuse 12.1.
I did the following for an installation:
used http://www.liquid-co.de/pub/suse/repositories/12.1
and updated repos
installed zoneminder (not zoneminder-mp) version 1.25.0-25.1
automagically selected 68 other packages, let them install.
again thanks for your time
Pentium D 820, 2.80GHz, Intel D945PSN ATX, evga geforce 7600GT 256MB PCIE, Geil DDR2, (1GB x 2) Dual Channel 667MHz
Suse 12.1 x86-64bit, Zoneminder 1.25.0-25.1
Suse 12.1 x86-64bit, Zoneminder 1.25.0-25.1