zm.Config doesnt exist

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zm.Config doesnt exist

Post by qu1nn »

When clicking on the link for http://localhost/zm/ user: zm_admin, pass: <<secret>>
I get the error: Table 'zm.Config' doesnt exist.

Yast > System Services show that Apache2, mysql, and zm services are all running.

Went to the UPDATED OPENSUSE instructions ... s_for_SuSE
1. in a console as SU: zm_database_init
(a) no lockfile, continue = Y
(b) I get the message “database is already installed. If you want to recreate the database drop it manually and change the 'database-intitialized' configuration option to 'no'

Log files located in /var/log/zm = EMPTY
Events are located at /var/lib/zm = the folder is NON-EXISTENT

I tried several searches and couldnt figure out how to drop the database and change the database initialized configuration

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Pentium D 820, 2.80GHz, Intel D945PSN ATX, evga geforce 7600GT 256MB PCIE, Geil DDR2, (1GB x 2) Dual Channel 667MHz
Suse 12.1 x86-64bit, Zoneminder 1.25.0-25.1
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Re: zm.Config doesnt exist

Post by monex »


recreating the database is very simple. Log in to MySQL as user root and drop the database:

Code: Select all

drop database zm;
Dropping the database will loose all events

There is a mechanism to prevent multiple database creation in zm_database_init. The messages states out to the right direction but doesn't tell where the configuration file is located ;) Edit the file /etc/zm_database_init.conf and change the stated option to no.

This should solve the problem.

It would be interesting if you updated from a previous ZoneMinder version when your configuration tables was lost or if the initial installation process failed. Maybe I can reproduce the possible issue and prevent it in further RPM versions.

Hope this helps
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Re: zm.Config doesnt exist

Post by monex »

Maybe the cause for the problem is already posted here: this: ... 29&t=18735

In your case I also would suggest to remove /root/.my.cnf file too to start clean again. Then log in to MySQL:

Code: Select all

mysql -p
And follow the steps from previous post.

Hope this helps
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Re: zm.Config doesnt exist

Post by qu1nn »

1. Log into mysql as user ROOT; in a console: mysql -u root -p then enter the password

2. mysql> drop database zm;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.35 sec)

3. Opened Dolphin Super User and Edited the file /etc/zm_database_init.conf and changed the stated option to no and saved with kwrite:
mysql-host = localhost
mysql-bin = /usr/bin/mysql
database-initialized = yes <<< changed to no

data-install-path = /usr/share/zm
configuration-file = /etc/zm.conf
lock-file = %(data-install-path)s/lock
version-file = %(data-install-path)s/version
create-database-sql-file = %(data-install-path)s/db/zm_create.sql
path-to-zmupdate = /usr/bin/
backup-database-during-zmudpate = yes

4. deleted the file /root/.my.cnf

5. logged into mysql as user root (see above 1);mysql> mysql -p

6. confused by posting “follow the steps from the previous post”? I saw several instructions
(a) I made an "edumucated guess", and used the one I initially used at the top of this thread ( ... s_for_SuSE)

7. ensured services running:Yast > System Services show that Apache2, mysql, and zm services are all running.

8. in a root console: mysql_secure_installation
(a) entered pw
(b) changed the pw to pw2 and re-entered for verification
(c) removed anonymous users = Y
(d) disallow root login remotely = Y
(e) remove test database and access to it = Y
(f) reload privilege tables now = Y

9. in a root console: zm_database_init
(a) no lockfile found, proceed anyway =Y
(b) Enter mysql root password = <entered pw from 8b>
(c) run mysql command to create db as user root =Y
(d) create user zm_admin for zoneminder = Y
(e) enter new passwd for user zm_admin < entered a new unique pw> retype pw for verification
(f) should the config file updated with the new passwd = Y
database sucessfully initialized
you can now start ZonMinder with rczmstart or systemctl start zm.service


11. When clicking on the link for http://localhost/zm/ user: zm_admin, pass: <secret from 9e>

thank you for helping out a newb.

I am sure that I will have more questions as I setup the application.

With regards to your question, this was a first time installation of zoneminder onto opensuse 12.1.
I did the following for an installation:
and updated repos
installed zoneminder (not zoneminder-mp) version 1.25.0-25.1
automagically selected 68 other packages, let them install.

again thanks for your time
Pentium D 820, 2.80GHz, Intel D945PSN ATX, evga geforce 7600GT 256MB PCIE, Geil DDR2, (1GB x 2) Dual Channel 667MHz
Suse 12.1 x86-64bit, Zoneminder 1.25.0-25.1