Deleting events does not free up disk space.

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Deleting events does not free up disk space.

Post by usalabs »

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 with the ZM supplied by the repos, and since there is no ppa for ZM, I can't yet update ZM unless the ZM developers send the Ubuntu community the updates, having said that, I'm having an issue with ZM not freeing up disk space when events are deleted.

I checked the DB size 'zm' at /var/lib/mysql and when all events have been deleted, the DB is only 4096 bytes, and the locations specified in the 'paths' config of ZM, for storing temp images, are also empty when all events deleted, but when an event is created I do notice the disk space status decrease (as expected), and when an event or all events deleted the disk space status remains the same as when the events existed.

Is there a way to free up the space used by ZM when events are deleted?, because I now can't use ZM any more because it says 'insufficient storage space available', but using system monitor GUI, and selecting file system, show 95% free of 500GB, and yet ZM console shows 'Load: 0.09 / Disk: 0%' and as long as it shows 0% no more triggered (motion detection) events can be created.
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Re: Deleting events does not free up disk space.

Post by teraquad »

I have a similar problem where zm reports the free space from the root drive. The odd thing is that the entire dierctory of /var/lib/zoneminder is a seperate 1tb drive mounted at boot time. I have tried many variations of the file structure but with no luck so far. I hope someone can help. It seems to me it must a bug causing the trouble.
Fedora 23, ZM 1.28
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Re: Deleting events does not free up disk space.

Post by punch-card »

Try adding this to a crontab, or running it manually.

*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ >> /var/log/zmaudit.log 2>&1

I only run it once a hour swap */10 for 1 (one minute after the hour).
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