This is being generated by component "zms" under file "zm_event.cpp" per the logs.Can't open /usr/share/zoneminder//media/500Reiser/events/2/12/06/05/15/46/22/001-capture.jpg: No such file or directory
The actual path to events under "options" is: /media/500Reiser/events
Please don't tell me the problem is the double-backslash. I know that. I didn't put it there. It's picking up two different paths and jamming them together somehow.
This is happening with a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 with ZM1.25 off the repos.
I still haven't solved this one. I have no idea how to solve it . Please, for the love of God, this seems to be the last sticking point. I hope. Does anybody have a clue as to how this could happen, or what file I need to edit to yank out the first chunk of path here?