IP608IRW Camera + ZoneMinder + Debian

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IP608IRW Camera + ZoneMinder + Debian

Post by pestana1984 »

Good morning guys, okay?
It's my first post and i have a trouble if anyone can help me.

Let the scenario: I have an Apache 2.0 + PHP 5.3 + MySQL + ZoneMinder. Attached to it, only one camera IP608IRW.
So far so easy. The problem is when I try to integrate these two features.

ZoneMinder settings to include a monitor within the system, it gives me some variable fields such as:

Remote Host Name:
Port of the remote host: 8000
Path of the remote host: /videostream.cgi? User = op1 & pwd = 123

The op1 is the user 123 and the password I set up for testing

However, this is where lies the problem: When I open the camera to view the image it just does not open. And when I put the entire address it opens the video normally.

Someone tell me what is happening RAYS or give me a light from an alterative to make that work?

I'm a bit of urgency and any help is VERY welcome.

Thanks a lot and grateful to all the attention.