automatic filter won't delete what's selected

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automatic filter won't delete what's selected

Post by Ciano »

Hi to all,

I'm running ZM v1.24.2 on an ubuntu desktop 12.04 installed from repository and all works fine exept for the fact that even if i've saved an automatic filter to keep the last 3 months of event it seems that it dosn't work.

I'm recording on a NAS mounted from my fstab with the following line:

Code: Select all

//nas.ip.address/recordingFolder /media/myMountPoint smbfs credentials=/home/myCredentialFiles,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
I can access, create files/folders from my ubuntu GUI and also from shell and ZM is recording correctly.

I've setted a filter that have this parameter:

Code: Select all

date/time     less than     today -91day
and i've checked "delete the events"
also i've told to ZM to execute the filter in background and i can see the "*" just after my filter name, but i can still see the events that are "selected" from that filter if i execute it withowt checking the delete option.
I've also tried to execute the filter (telling it to delete the events) manually from the filter window but i can still see the events.

so...i don't know what to do...some hint??

thanks in advance for help
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Re: automatic filter won't delete what's selected

Post by bb99 »

Do you have "options::system::ZM_OPTIONS_FAST_DELETE" ticked? If so only the table entries get deleted initially leaving zmaudit to clean up the rest later (next time it runs).

From the options help:

Option Help

Normally an event created as the result of an alarm consists of entries in one or more database tables plus the various files associated with it. When deleting events in the browser it can take a long time to remove all of this if your are trying to do a lot of events at once. It is recommended that you set this option which means that the browser client only deletes the key entries in the events table, which means the events will no longer appear in the listing, and leaves the zmaudit daemon to clear up the rest later.
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:31 pm

Re: automatic filter won't delete what's selected

Post by Ciano »

yes, I've already enabled that option.

However, just for test I've tried now to disable that option and execute manually my filter, and it still doesn't work (it doesn't even delete the files entries).
so i've also tried to tell to the filter to archive the events instead of deleting them, and i have seen that neither this works.
If i tell to archive or delete the events from the web interface selecting one or mere events from the list it works, but if i tell to do something from the filter list it doesn't work (and the filter that I've created list me the events that i want to delete correctly).

so, could be a mySQL config problem??

(I haven't modified nothing in the default config and mySql was installed as a dependece of ZM)