Logical AND of two Modect

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Logical AND of two Modect

Post by desnaturado »

Can ZM do a logical AND of two Modect cams?

Logical AND means that only if the two (or more) cams detect motion an event is triggered.

What would that be good for, you ask?

With two cameras aimed at the same object under an angle of 90 degrees ZM could generate a "3D event volume" around that object.

Wouldn´t that be a nice feature?

Best Regards

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Post by zoneminder »

On the roadmap for the next release or two are 'linked monitors' so that one can trigger an event in another. Not quite what you've discussed but probably close enough if you get the two monitors to trigger each other.

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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:02 pm
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Post by desnaturado »

That´s what I meant by saying to "and" two monitors.

I´m really looking forward to find this feature in one of the next releases.



PS: w/o wanting to b-nose you guy(s) - you do a hell of an excellent job!!