Streaming only works with cambozola

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Streaming only works with cambozola

Post by tack »

I've been digging through the wiki and the forums for a couple of days trying to figure this out. So far I've only gotten streaming to work if I use cambozola and set CAN_STREAM to 'no'. This seems to suggest that the multipart jpeg stream works. But without cambozola I can't get it to work in any browsers. Firefox 14.0.1 on Mac doesn't even render the space the stream would be on the page. Safari (Mac and iOS) shows a missing image box. Same goes for Chrome. And I get the same kinds of results on windows.

Is multipart jpeg streaming just dead to modern browsers? Should I just stop trying?

I tried using the mpeg streaming method but just got blank screens if I used the swf format. If I used different container formats (mpg, avi, asf, mov) it would just be black. I've followed the remedial steps in the FAQ and other bits in the wiki documentation and none of that has cleared it up.

Obviously, if I'm able to get a stream in cambozola then zms/nph-zms is functioning and sending the data to some extent. Is there some magical combination of settings that makes multipart jpeg work without cambozola? Or if using mpeg streaming what settings for MPEG_*_FORMAT are working for people?