What happened to this image?

A place for discussion of topics that are not specific to ZoneMinder. This could include Linux, Video4Linux, CCTV cameras or any other topic.
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Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:52 am

What happened to this image?

Post by jason.l »

When I run a suyin webcam of the notebook, get the pictures like below.Anyone else came across this kind of problem, any reply would be appriciated!
zm.jpg (30.71 KiB) Viewed 3673 times
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Re: What happened to this image?

Post by Carrier82 »

I have one webcam too that works fine in Windows but the image is ugly in Linux. I guess some kind of trouble with uvc compatibility, as they require their own drivers in Windows. Perhaps an external usb webcam or better yet, an IP cam is a wiser option than start a difficult and perhaps impossible troubleshooting journey.
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