ZMCONTROL Can't connect: No such file or directory - ARGH!

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Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:40 am

ZMCONTROL Can't connect: No such file or directory - ARGH!

Post by waldrondigital »

Trying to get PTZ controls working on a new ZM 1.25 install with Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS in conjunction with Foscam FI8918W. The system other than the PTZ issue is working 100% perfectly.

I'd post where the instructions I followed came from but I f*cking can't because of posphpBB. You can Google "durdle fi8918w" and it's the first link.

I followed the above guide to the letter multiple times and keep having the same issue... I've been trying for hours to figure out why I can't control the camera, and why I'm receiving the following entries in the log files whenever I do try to do any PTZ controls:

Date/Time Component PID Level Message File
2012-09-23 20:24:09.173330 zmcontrol 1692 FAT Can't connect: No such file or directory
2012-09-23 20:23:59.172490 zmcontrol 1697 INF Control server 1/FoscamFI8918W starting at 12/09/23 20:23:59
2012-09-23 20:23:59.149150 zmcontrol 1692 INF Starting control server 1/FoscamFI8918W

The PTZ script is located where it should be at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control/

In the Control Capability I have "FoscamFI8918W" in the Protocol section... this matches the filename and the package declaration in the .pm file. I even made sure the permissions matched the other files in the directory (i.e. just for good measure.

I even copied "" file to "", adding a new control type, modifying the script to match the new name (package ZoneMinder::Control::foscam;)
and changing the parameters in ZM to reflect the new name. Same, same:

2012-09-23 21:25:20.684530 zmcontrol 1455 FAT Can't connect: No such file or directory
2012-09-23 21:25:10.683730 zmcontrol 1457 INF Control server 1/foscam starting at 12/09/23 21:25:10
2012-09-23 21:25:10.667810 zmcontrol 1455 INF Starting control server 1/foscam

If I address the cameras directly like so "CAMERAIP/decoder_control.cgi?command=2&user=admin&pwd=password", the control works. Totally stumped.

I have no idea how to troubleshoot this further. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:05 pm

Re: ZMCONTROL Can't connect: No such file or directory - ARG

Post by benb »

this look quite similar to my problem with a foscam FI8910w

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While your camera is a slightly diffrent model, I would think that it works very similar. I had to make few changes to get it to work, which are outlined in post above.