WAR has goes issues...

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WAR has goes issues...

Post by reza »

I'm getting these in the log file

Code: Select all

Apr 12 01:50:00 onyx zmu[7836]: WAR [Attempt to fetch boolean value for ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS, actual type is integer]
Apr 12 01:50:00 onyx zmu[7836]: WAR [Attempt to fetch integer value for ZM_STRICT_VIDEO_CONFIG, actual type is boolean]

i would imagine the digits to be iteger and the strict video config to be boolean.  why is it complaining?


p.s. running the older vesrsion (1.20)
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Post by zoneminder »

This is usually because the config in your DB and ZM is different. For instance if you are running a new version without having rerun zmconfig.pl or have a new built version (which has updated the DB) and are still running an older version of ZM. To reset the values just rerun zmconfig.pl for the same version of ZM that you are running.
