I have a foscam camera. I can control my cam with ZoneMinder.
I would like to use my controlled camera to monitor 2 differents areas, which are on two differents positions.
So is-it possible to have 2 ZoneMinder monitors with only one controlled camera ?
Not sure exactly what you mean. You can add duplicate feeds to an ip camera (with some rare examples). I use this to have modect and 24/7 recording off the same cam, sometimes at different sizes.
If you mean have the camera recording two streams from two different camera positions at the same time, then no, of course it'll only record in the direction it's seeing...
If you mean record to one monitor, stop, move camera, start to another, that sounds quite complicated and prone to missing important things and you would be wanting to install a second camera if you have two areas. Also, automatically moving a camera to pan will very quickly wear the motor out. (Forget Hollywood cameras panning all the time, doesn't happen)
If you mean record to one monitor, stop, move camera, start to another,
Yes, it is what I want to do. I find an another post witch deals of this : http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... 11&t=20576
The idea is to put one cam in home, and monitor each windows and doors successively.
If I don't find any solution with zm, I try to develop a proxy between zm and ip cam which bufferize streams from many cam positions.
What is the rationale for this? If security, it would seem to be a poor choice as you have a huge chance of missing action. Also, the motors will wear out very quickly. IP Cameras are cheap enough now, I would urge installing enough to cover what you need to with static cams.
Appreciate this isn't answering your question (I don't know that answer).
Thanks for your reply.
Indeed, the purpose is for security. I would like to cover about 10 windows in my home. I prefer to monitor theses windows with 1 dynamic cam rather than 10 statics cam !
These windows can be monitored successively, maybe every 4 seconds. So the worst case would be an alarm 4 seconds after the action... not a consequent security mistake for me !