I have had a power failure and now ZoneMinder wont run. The camera is fine and the computer is fine. I am running Ubuntu 12.04. The problem is with the log (I believe). Where the log link is usually (top right hand corner) I get this error message:
Can't write log entry 'insert into Logs ( TimeKey, Component, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) values ( 1367023463.755924, 'web_php', 1534, -3, 'FAT', 'SQL-ERR \'Table \'./zm/Logs\' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed\', statement was \'select Level, count(Level) as LevelCount from Logs where Level < 0 and from_unixtime(TimeKey) + interval 900 second > now() group by Level order by Level asc\'', '/usr/share/zoneminder/includes/database.php', 78 )': Table './zm/Logs' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
I have tried un-installing and re-installing ZoneMinder but I still get the same error. I have tried stopping and restarting apache and mysql but nothing seems to work.
Can anyone help me?
Power failure, now Zoneminder wont run
Re: Power failure, now Zoneminder wont run
Do you have a backup of your database settings? Restore it with phpmyadmin. If not, try recreating the database. Maybe installing zoneminder with a corrupted database does not create a new one.
Hope it helps,
Hope it helps,
After more than 15 years, no longer using ZM as surveillance system.
Now in the dark side, using a commercial system...
Re: Power failure, now Zoneminder wont run
Thank you for your reply. I too had come to the conclusion that it was mysql that was corrupted NOT Zoneminder. I am new to Ubuntu so I have had a steep learning curve. I should mention that I am running Ubuntu Desktop not the server version. I had assumed that when removing software through the Software Center that it would remove all the ancillary programs associated with the initial download. This is not the case (an issue that should be mentioned with Ubuntu, maybe, but not a topic for this forum). When installing Zoneminder through the Software Center it installs MySql-Server and Apache but does not install MySql-Client or phpMyAdmin. Being new to Ubuntu and any Linux system I am unfamiliar with the command line and any operations that need such. I tried to un-install mysql and re-install it but I got the same error. It seems to me that removing Software through the Software Center doesnt remove the software at all, just removes the reference to the file/software and upon re-installing the software just replaces the reference leaving you with the same problems. I am lucky in as such that I have a dedicated computer to run Zoneminder and a Media-Center and I have no personal documents or files saved on the computer. The computer is only 2 weeks old and I only had to back-up a few movies.
My solution to the problem was to re-install Ubuntu and clean the entire hard-drive and start from scratch. This is not an Ideal approach for most people I am sure. I will leave this post as unsolved for a few days to see if anyone (maybe yourself PacoLM) can give a layman's example/explanation of how to solve this problem for us newbies.
Again, Thanks for your insight PacoLM.
My solution to the problem was to re-install Ubuntu and clean the entire hard-drive and start from scratch. This is not an Ideal approach for most people I am sure. I will leave this post as unsolved for a few days to see if anyone (maybe yourself PacoLM) can give a layman's example/explanation of how to solve this problem for us newbies.
Again, Thanks for your insight PacoLM.
Re: Power failure, now Zoneminder wont run
If the solution that bb99 posted does not work for you, try to delete the installed applications like this:
'apt-get purge zoneminder phpmyadmin mysql-server mysql-client apache2'
Then run again 'apt-get install zoneminder', that should install all the dependences.
'apt-get purge zoneminder phpmyadmin mysql-server mysql-client apache2'
Then run again 'apt-get install zoneminder', that should install all the dependences.
After more than 15 years, no longer using ZM as surveillance system.
Now in the dark side, using a commercial system...