I'm in the process of setting up and experimenting with ZoneMinder 1.25.0, and have got most of it under control (I think, anyway!) but hit a problem with video downloads.
I've configured the option for "downloading" a video clip (using FFMPEG) to get me a compliant AVI video :-
Options/Images/FFMPEG output options "-r 25 -q:v 5 -f avi -vtag XVID -g 60 -bf 2 -vf hqdn3d"
Now, all I'm missing is a way to get a better filename, as any videos I "download" through this have a name like "Event-6-r1-s1.avi" which is not useful to me. What I'm after is something like
"YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-CamNN.avi" so that the downloaded clips sort into natural time order. including camera name. A lot of other parts of ZM support tokens to replace %Something with dynamic data. Changing the camera's "event name" from "Event-" to "Event-%something" doesn't seem to be the answer, I got literal % signs in it instead. So no token support there?
Is there anywhere I can tweak this to get the file automatically renamed? I see that you can manually rename the event, but I'm looking for a better name in the first place.
Any tips? Can I override the FFMPEG command output name somehow?
Naming convention for "downloaded video" clips
Re: Naming convention for "downloaded video" clips
I would like to see this as well.
Free bump for you.
Free bump for you.
Re: Naming convention for "downloaded video" clips
Thanksgregom wrote:I would like to see this as well.
Free bump for you.
In case you don't find it, my partial solution is posted at :- http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewto ... 29&t=20959
Which is working so far, you may pick some bones out of that ...